PAPUAAROUND – After discussing previous articles about the History of Lorentz National Park and Lorentz National Park World Natural Heritage, there is something more interesting, namely the 5 endemic Fauna in Lorentz National Park that have not been discussed.
Lorentz National Park is a national park located in the province of Papua, Indonesia. The national park, designated in 1997, is representative of the most complete ecosystem for biodiversity in Asia Pacific.
In Lorentz National Park there is an amazing wealth of flora and fauna. No wonder Lorentz National Park was accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999.
With an area of 2.4 million hectares with diverse flora and geographical circumstances, Lorentz National Park is home to a variety of unique and rare animals.
What are they? To find out more about the 5 endemic fauna in Lorentz National Park, check out the article below.
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1. Beautiful Honey Sucker

In Lorentz National Park there are several endemic bird species. One of them is the Beautiful Honeyeater (Macgregoria pulchra) or MacGregor’s bird of paradise.
This bird is known as Cenderawasih Elok. This bird has a predominantly black plumage with yellow accents on the wings and the girder of its eyes.
This species is found in the highlands of the Jayawijaya Mountains at an altitude of 2,700 – 4,000 meters above sea level.
As the name suggests, this bird is a honey-sucking bird.
Due to its small and dwindling population, this bird is considered vulnerable to extinction.
2. Bird of Paradise

Various species of birds of paradise are also found in Lorentz National Park. One of them is the long-tailed Cenderawasih (Paradigalla caruneulata) which is an endemic animal.
The bird of paradise, which is famous for its beauty, is also known as the bird of paradise.
Well, the bird that is the mascot of Papua does have a beautiful feather color.
3. South Mambruk

The Southern Mambruk (Goura scheepmakeri) is a type of Mambruk (Dara Mahkota) or large land pigeon.
This bird has bluish-gray plumage with an intricate crest like blue lace, a red iris, and dark maroon-red chest feathers. Both males and females have the same appearance.
Because this bird is docile and is often hunted for beautiful meat and feathers, it is categorized as vulnerable in the endangered species list.
4. Cuscus

Cuscus is a nocturnal marsupial mammal (Marsupialia) belonging to the family Phalangeridae.
These mammals are about 45 cm in size on average.
Kuskus have long, sharp claws that help move around the trees.
Its long and powerful tail also serves as a means for anchoring as it moves from one branch to another.
Kuskus has thick fur and various colors including brown, black and white.
This omnivorous animal is one of the endemic fauna species in Papua and is protected by law and law.
5. Dingiso

Dingiso in Latin known as Dendrolagus Mbaiso is a species of tree kangaroo endemic to Papua in Lorentz National Park
The name is based on the research of Dr. Tim Flannery who discovered Dingiso in 1994.
He gave it the scientific name mbaiso which means ‘syakral beast’ in the local language of the Moni tribe because they believed that this was the spirit of their ancestors.
This fauna belongs to very rare endemic species and is included in the list of very rare animals.
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