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Water and Soil from Mansinam Island Brought by the Governor of West Papua

Governor of West Papua while sowing soil and water

Governor of West Papua while sowing soil and water

West Papua – On Monday (14/3/2022), the Governor of West Papua Province, Dominggus Mandacan brought land and water specially imported from Mansinam Island to the location of the National Capital of the Archipelago in Sepaku, North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan.

Mandacan explained that Mansinam Island is the island of Papuan civilization, because it is considered the beginning of the entry of the Bible into Papua.

“With faith that whoever works in this land faithfully, honestly, and listened to he will receive one sign of astonishment after another,” Mandacan said, quoting Pastor I.S Kijne’s message on Monday.

According to the Antara report, Mandacan supports the construction of the Nusantara IKN in East Kalimantan because of its closer location and easier handling of government administration.

“It makes it easier for us from the east, we don’t need to fly 5 hours to Jakarta, but we can fly 2 hours or 2.5 hours at IKN, which is the hope for the future,” said Mandacan.

According to him, government management, implementation of development and work that needs to be coordinated with the head of state or government will be faster due to the shorter travel time compared to Jakarta.

That way, the cost of business travel can be more cost effective, he said.

“We can come with land and water. Thus, land means showing that we are one homeland, Indonesia,” he said.

The land and water are combined with the land and water brought by all the Governors of Indonesia and put into a jug at the zero point of the IKN.

President Joko Widodo immediately carried out a procession and camped at the IKN location accompanied by the Governor of East Kalimantan and several ministers.

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