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Papua MRP Chair Requests President to Build State Palace in Jayapura
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Papua MRP Chair Requests President to Build State Palace in Jayapura

Papua MRP Chair Requests President to Build State Palace in Jayapura. Sumber odiyaiwu.

Papua MRP Chair Requests President to Build State Palace in Jayapura. Sumber odiyaiwu. – The Chair of the Papua People’s Assembly (MRP) for Papua Province, Nerlince Wamuar, officially requested President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to build a State Palace in Papua, specifically in the city of Jayapura. This request was made during a meeting held at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Wednesday (June 12, 2024). The meeting was also attended by the Chair of the Central Papua MRP and the Coordinator of the MRP across Papua.

Nerlince explained that this request is not new. “What I conveyed today is about the plan to build the State Palace in Papua, which we had already proposed on September 12, 2019, as part of Team 61. Today, we are presenting this again to the President,” she said during a press briefing.

According to Nerlince, having a State Palace in Jayapura wouldw reduce the administrative distance between the central and regional governments. Currently, MRP leaders have to fly to Jakarta to meet with the President. “Today, we, the leaders of the MRP, had to come to Jakarta, but if there was a Presidential Palace in Papua, in Jayapura, we wouldn’t need to come here,” she added.

The MRP is currently awaiting the President’s decision regarding the State Palace plan in Papua. Nerlince believes that having the palace in Jayapura would facilitate better coordination and communication between the central government and local governments in Papua.

During the meeting, the MRP also expressed their hopes for the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) scheduled for November. They hope that the elected regional leaders will be native Papuans. “Because the central government, with good intentions, has granted us special autonomy, and now the funds from this special autonomy are directly distributed to regencies/cities, unlike before when it went through the province. Therefore, we ask the President to ensure that the governors, deputy governors, regents, and deputy regents are native Papuans,” said the Chair of the Central Papua MRP and Coordinator of the MRP across Papua, Agustinus Anggaibak.

Agustinus also assured that the situation in Papua is conducive ahead of the simultaneous regional elections. “As a cultural institution, we believe that Papua is safe. There are no issues,” he said.

Papua has a long history of seeking autonomy and development. The central government has granted special autonomy status to Papua since 2001, aimed at providing greater authority to local governments in managing their regions. However, various challenges remain, including infrastructure issues and the welfare of the people.

The MRP’s request to build a State Palace in Jayapura is not only symbolic but also practical. If granted, the presence of the palace in Jayapura would increase governmental efficiency, speed up decision-making processes, and strengthen the relationship between the central and local governments.

The MRP’s hope for native Papuan leaders in the 2024 Pilkada reflects the desire of the people of Papua to have representatives who understand and prioritize local interests. This aligns with the spirit of the special autonomy granted by the central government. With funds now being directly distributed to regencies/cities, it is hoped that development will be more equitable and targeted.

Moreover, security issues are also a significant concern. Agustinus’s statement that Papua is safe shows optimism and confidence that the elections can proceed smoothly without significant disruptions.

The MRP has also shown support for the development of the new National Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan. This indicates Papua’s constructive and participative stance in a major national project. This support is also expected to bring benefits to Papua, including infrastructure improvements and new economic opportunities.

The meeting between the Chair of the Papua MRP, the Chair of the Central Papua MRP, the Coordinator of the MRP across Papua, and President Jokowi reflects good communication between the central and regional governments. The request to build a State Palace in Jayapura is a strategic move to strengthen this relationship and improve government efficiency. Additionally, the hope for native Papuan leaders in the 2024 Pilkada shows a commitment to strengthening special autonomy and improving the welfare of the people of Papua.

With a conducive situation and support for national projects, Papua is showing readiness to actively participate in Indonesia’s development. The final decision regarding the construction of the State Palace in Jayapura now lies with the President, and the people of Papua await a positive outcome from this request.

Read also: Government Officials Convene to Address Papua Situation!

Source: Antaranews.

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