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Papua Mountain KPU Heads to Jakarta for National Summit

Papua Mountain KPU Prepares for RI Plenary Meeting. Source Jubi Papua.

Papua Mountain KPU Prepares for RI Plenary Meeting. Source Jubi Papua. – The Commissioner of the Papua Mountain KPU, Theodorus Kossay, firmly acknowledged that they, along with the Papua KPU, are arranging a flight using Trigana Air’s aircraft to attend the KPU RI plenary meeting in Jakarta. He explained that this step was taken due to the limited scheduled flights serving the Jayapura-Jakarta route at night.

“Currently, we are preparing to go to Jakarta using Trigana’s aircraft, which will transit in Makassar to refuel,” said Theodorus Kossay when contacted by Antara on Tuesday night.

According to the explanation from the Commissioner of the Papua Mountain KPU, the situation was hindered by the prolonged plenary meeting at the district level. Various obstacles, including protests against the PPD (Regional Election Committee), were the main causes of the delay.

“Thank God, the plenary meeting of the Papua Mountain KPU was completed on Tuesday night, even though many objected, and we, along with the commissioners of the Papua KPU, departed. Upon arrival in Jakarta, we will immediately attend the plenary meeting at the KPU RI,” he added enthusiastically.

Meanwhile, Irwan Rohendi, Trigana Papua’s Area Manager, confirmed that they had prepared a Boeing 737-500 to transport the commissioners of the Papua Mountain KPU and the Papua KPU to Jakarta. A total of 22 passengers were flown with the aircraft departing at 22.11 WIT bound for Jakarta with a layover in Makassar.

“The aircraft was piloted by Capt. Marsya da Fo. Guruh,” explained Irwan Rohendi.

This decision has been appreciated by various parties, welcoming the Papua Mountain KPU’s efforts to fulfill its duties seriously despite facing complex challenges. It is hoped that their presence at the KPU RI plenary meeting will make a meaningful contribution to the smooth process of democracy in Indonesia, especially in preparing for the upcoming general elections.

The KPU RI plenary meeting itself is scheduled to discuss various matters related to the preparation and implementation of national elections. The presence of the commissioners of the Papua Mountain KPU and the Papua KPU is expected to provide diverse perspectives and constructive solutions to ensure the continuity of fair and transparent democratic processes in the country.

Read also: Prabowo Subianto -Gibran Rakabuming’s Landslide Win in Jayapura Election

Source: Antaranews.

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