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Papua Governor Lukas Enembe Receives SIWO PWI Sports Initiator Award

Kendari – A total of 12 regional heads, including 7 Governors and 5 Regents/Mayors, received the “Indonesian Sports Initiator 2022” award from the Sports Journalists Section of the Indonesian Journalists Association (SIWO PWI).

Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) RI Zainuddin Amali symbolically handed over the award in commemoration of the National Press Day series of February 9, 2022 at a hotel in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi Regency on Tuesday (08/02/22)

Not only regional heads, four members of the Indonesian legislature and five regional KONI officials also received the award.

Menpora Zainuddin Amali thanked SIWO PWI for giving awards to the Regional Head, KONIDa and members of the DPRD.

“This shows the concern of fellow journalists who are members of PWI, especially SIWO, for the development of national sports,” he said.

According to him, the Great Design of National Sports (DBON) towards Indonesia Gold 2045 will certainly not run without the support of media partners/journalists.

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“DBON is in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 86 of 2021, which means the rules already exist and we will make and prepare to implement them, but if the public, the public does not know what the government has done, of course it will not produce anything,” said Zainuddin.

Therefore, he hopes to get support from PWI SIWO so that the implementation of this DBON can run optimally.

“This is what we want to take care of, don’t let the program be like it used to be, well-designed and weak legal rules, but when implemented it is weak and eventually the program will disappear by itself. I don’t want DBON to be like that,” said Zainuddin.

The Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe through the Head of the Papuan Communication and Information Service (Kominfo) Jeri A. Yudianto, who is also one of the recipients of the award, also expressed his appreciation and gratitude to PWI for giving the award.

“On behalf of the Governor of Papua, we would like to thank SIWO PWI who is secretly monitoring government leaders and figures who have a special vision to advance sport,” said Jerry.

He said the governor of Papua was very concerned about this and gave full attention to the development of sports on the earth of paradise. Not only that, the Governor is also concerned about the progress of Papua in other fields such as the development of human resources, including advancing Papua and on par with other regions.

“Furthermore, what the Minister of Youth and Sports said about DBON Towards Golden Indonesia 2045, shows the synergy with us in the development of sports in the country,” he added.

Jeri said, as a Papuan people, we are certainly proud of the leadership of Governor Lukas Enembe.

“The proof is that we see that our XX PON as the host has successfully held it, even during the Covid-19 pandemic which is one of the evaluation metrics, we can organize several events during the pandemic, this is the first time. Time in Indonesia everything can run smoothly. The biggest thing is Papua’s sporting achievements have skyrocketed,” said Jerry proudly.

Atal S Depari, Chair of the central PWI, highly appreciates award-winning regional heads who have provided strong support for the development of achievement sports in their regions.

“I am very grateful that they allocated a budget for sport. Because sport needs budget support and sport always seems to make us proud,” said Atal.

He hopes that this gratitude (award) can play a role in stimulating the spirit to develop DBON in the future.

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“Because there are no athletes who appear suddenly, but all must go through a design and technological approach. That is the expected DBON, a DBON that can produce the best athletes and achievers.

It is known that the award recipients include the Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe, West Java Ridwan Kamil, Bengkulu Rohidin Mersyah, Southeast Sulawesi Ali Mazi, Riau H. Syamsuar, North Kalimantan Zainal Arifin Paliwang, and Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi.

Medan Mayor Mohammad Bobby, South Lampung Regent Nanang Ermanto, Southeast Maluku Muhamad Taher Hanubun, Gresik Regent Fandi Akhmad Yani, Gorontalo Mayor Marthen Taha and Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng.

Member of the Legislative Council of Southeast Sulawesi DPRD Chairman Abdurrahman Saleh, Lampung DPR Rahmat Mirzani Jausal, Papuan DPR Speaker Joni Banua Row.

Chairman of the Koni Kaltara Muhammad Nasir, Chairman of the Koni Central Sulawesi Nisar Rahmatu, Chairman of the Koni West Java Ahmad Saefuddin, Secretary of the Koni Papua Kenius Kogoya.

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