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Jayapura Regency Prioritizes Developing the Tourism Sector

PAPUAAROUND – The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Jayapura, Papua prioritizes developing the tourism sector in this area in 2023.

Acting Jayapura Regent Triwarno Purnomo, in Sentani, Monday, said that the tourism sector in this area really needs more attention to highlight its potential.

“There is no doubt about the tourism potential in Jayapura Regency, we have beautiful nature with the strength of a unique local culture which is our main attraction,” he said.

According to Triwarno, the development of the tourism sector is to improve or complement the facilities and services needed by tourists, so that they feel comfortable while in tourist attractions.

“To provide a sense of comfort for tourists, we need to complete supporting facilities so that tourists return home with a good impression of this area,” he said again.

He explained, tourism can increase foreign exchange, create jobs and stimulate the growth of the tourism industry which can spur regional economic growth.

“This year we prioritize developing tourism so that there will be new jobs for the people in the village, because there will be a stimulant for the growth of a new tourism industry,” he said again.

He added that many aspects are covered in the tourism sector, namely restaurants, lodging, travel services, transportation, development of tourist destinations, recreational facilities and tourist attractions.

“So many aspects that are engaged in the tourism sector are opportunities to reduce unemployment, because many people will be used to work in these aspects of tourism,” he also said.

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