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Hoaxes Cannot Fool the Papuan People’s Rationality, Says Lukas Enembe

Papua Governor Lukas Enembe

Jakarta – Papua Governor Lukas Enembe stated that misleading information or hoaxes cannot confuse the population in Papua.

According to Mohammad Rifai Darus, a spokesman for the governor of Papua, information is the currency of democracy. As a result, the message must stay clear and pure in order to prevent smudging the hands of those who propagate the devastation of Papua’s soil.

“The governor thinks that the Papuan people’s common sense cannot be duped by cheap fake information,” Rifai stated in a statement released Tuesday (22/2).

According to Rifai, Lukas indicated that Papua’s tranquility is now being disrupted by a group of persons with political motivations to destroy good ties between the Governor and the Papuan people.

There have also been allegations of hoaxes, misinformation, and disinformation by irresponsible parties in the last month.

On that premise, Lukas, as Governor, requested that the Papua Provincial Government not remain mute and silent. Lukas, on the other hand, directs his employees to actively explain the advancements that have occurred in a transparent, clear, and succinct way.

Short-term politically motivated parties were also accused of attempting to manipulate information on a massive scale by disseminating lies about the governor and his administration.

As a result, according to Lukas, development may be absorbed by all Indonesians. The objective is for all Indonesians to understand that the development of Papua is important not only for the earth of Cenderawasih, but also for Indonesia’s prosperity.

According to Rifai, Lukas also stressed that the desire to develop Papua was more than merely a defensive wall.

“On the contrary, it was the Governor’s appeal to everybody for democratic reconciliation, which is now being undercut by those with blind passions, eroding the character of democracy and destroying freedom,” he stated.

Lukas had previously taken severe measures to prevent the distribution of a poster of the Declaration of the Independent Papuan Movement or the Free Papua Movement including a photo of his face.

The poster is said to have harmed Luke’s reputation. Furthermore, this poster, dubbed Luke Enembe, is not the first time an irresponsible individual has created it.

“This certainly harms the Governor’s good name, and of course we will take tough and calculated efforts in the future, steps to confront this recurring fake issue,” Papua Governor spokesperson Muhammad Rifai Darus remarked on his Twitter account @RifaDarusM on Saturday (19/2).

Rifai further stated that Lukas Enembe is dedicated to carrying out his duties as Governor of Papua.

“With regard to the hoax that led to Governor Lukas Emembe’s involvement in the Papuan Independence Movement, we reiterate that he is always committed to fulfilling his responsibilities as the leader of the Papua Province Government within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.” “For the sake of the Papuans,” he stated.

According to the submitted photograph, Lukas Enembe is wearing Papuan headgear. “An open invitation to the Declaration of the Independent Papuan Movement with the Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe,” the graphic says.

Read : Papua Governor Lukas Enembe Receives SIWO PWI Sports Initiator Award

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