A disturbing case of child abuse has emerged in the city of Jayapura, Papua, involving a couple accused of brutally assaulting their five-year-old nephew. The incident, which left the child with a torn lip and head injuries, is currently under investigation by the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Jayapura City Police.
Police Chief Kombes Pol Victor D. Mackbon revealed that the abuse occurred in a residential area in Organda, Hedam Village, Heram District, Jayapura. The suspects, identified as the child’s uncle and aunt, are NS (36) and JY (36). NS is a civil servant employed by the Papua provincial government.
The case came to light on Friday night, January 3, when neighbors reported the abuse to the Heram Police Sector. Following the report, the authorities immediately took the child, identified as AL, to the hospital for medical treatment.
“AL suffered multiple injuries, including a torn lip, head contusions, swollen hands, and bruises across his body,” Chief Mackbon stated on Saturday, January 4. The injuries were allegedly caused by repeated assaults, as reported by concerned neighbors who had witnessed signs of prior abuse.
The child was rushed to Bhayangkara Hospital by investigators, accompanied by the neighbors who first raised the alarm.
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The suspects are currently in police custody, undergoing further interrogation. They face charges under Article 76C in conjunction with Article 80, paragraph 2, of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 35 of 2014, which amended Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection.
“The actions of these individuals are inhumane and must be met with strict legal consequences,” Mackbon emphasized. He added that investigators are delving deeper into the motive behind the abuse.
Chief Mackbon confirmed that the police are collaborating with the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) to provide psychological support and assistance for the young victim.
“Our priority is ensuring the safety and recovery of the child while securing justice through the legal process,” Mackbon said.
The case has shocked the local community, with many expressing outrage over the couple’s alleged actions. Residents of the neighborhood described the couple as frequently mistreating the child, prompting neighbors to act when the latest assault caused visible injuries.
“This is not the first time such incidents have occurred. We couldn’t stand by anymore and decided to report them to the authorities,” said one neighbor who wished to remain anonymous.
The incident serves as a reminder of the need for vigilance and swift action in cases of child abuse. Authorities have urged the public to report any signs of violence against children to prevent further harm.
As the investigation continues, the public is watching closely, hoping for justice and a better future for AL, who is now under the care of authorities and receiving medical attention for his injuries.